about us

In a.c.t. hydro lab, we develop novel numerical modeling methods to better assess the resilience of water-related sectors under climate change, with a special interest in cold regions. We collaborate with social scientists, experts from water-related sectors such as power, ecosystems, as well as local communities to enhance the salience, tangibility, and usability of our data and model products.

WE ARE HIRING! More details can be referred here.


New Grant Awarded by NSF DISES Program

Our NSF DISES project was recently funded to study the socio-ecology of climate vulnerable trout in the watersheds of CO and WY, led by Dr Kelly Dunning at the University of Wyoming (UWyo). This is a multi-instution collaboration with Dr Andy Newman and Dr Kristen Krumhardt from NSF NCAR, Dr Janna Willoughby from Auburn University and Dr Ryan D Williamson from UWyo.
a.c.t. hydro lab
2024-08-20 ∙ 1 min read


We are a new lab at the Department of Geological Sciences at State University of New York at Buffalo focusing on topics related to novel modeling techniques in hydrology. Please follow our website as we are building our research agenda, and feel free to get in touch with us.
a.c.t. hydro lab
2024-08-05 ∙ 1 min read

team member

Yifan Cheng

Principal Investigator


Lab Security Lead
